Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday Homework, Welcome New Students!

First of all, I want to welcome our new students to class and welcome back an old friend, Rawan, who missed Boston weather so much she returned for the beautiful snow and ice!

And welcome Young Bock, Manman, Sohyun, and HeeJun.  I hope you enjoy the class and learn a lot.  Let me know how I can help you to achieve your goals.

I hope everyone can see him or herself!  Don't worry--when you do your presentation, you'll be the star and I'll take pictures of you!

Today we started on Unit 16 of Grammar Dimensions and covered Focus 1.  Our homework is Exercises 1 and 2 on page 303. Please hand in Exercise 1 on a sheet of paper.

Tomorrow we'll try to cover Focus points 3 and 4 and listen to one writer's powerful argument for euthanasia?  Where do you stand on this controversial topic?

Because this is a short week we'll give everyone a break--no presentations unless you really want to do one.  In that case, let me know tomorrow and you can do one on Friday.  We'll make a new presentation schedule which will begin next week.  New people should have a chance to see how the veterans do it, so they'll begin their presentation the week AFTER next.  You old students should be prepared to do a presentation net week!


You can choose one of three topics for our bi-monthly essay.


Our topic of last week:  Illegal immigration.  Should countries strictly control who lives and works in those countries or is it better to allow workers to come and go as they please?


Euthanasia, this week's topic.  If people with a terminal disease want to die, is it ethical to allow doctors to help them commit suicide?  What about people who have been in comas for weeks, months, or years?  Should they be kept alive artificially or allowed to die?


If you are a new student, write about your goals and reasons for studying English.  What areas  (reading, listening, speaking, writing) do you hope to improve the most?  What are your weak points?

As usual, all essays should be at least 300 words long.  Write in academic English using the standard essay form (pleases see me if you aren't sure what this is).  Try to use new vocabulary and grammar that you have learned in class.

Also, use double space so that I have room to written corrections or comments. You must either send me your essay by Tuesday at my email address ( or hand it in by Wednesday morning.

Stay warm and see you tomorrow!

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