Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday Homework

Having learned how to reduce adverb clauses, will you try to use them in spoken English?  The best way to really learn a new grammatical form is to use it.  So make it a point to use some of these expressions in your everyday English.

Today we went over yesterday's homework and covered Focus points 3 and 4 in Grammar Dimensions, Unit 16.

Our homework tonight is Exercise 4 (page 304), Exercise 5 (page 305), Exercise 6 (page 306) and Exercise 7 (page 307).  Please write Exercises 4 and 5 on a separate sheet of paper and hand it in to me so that I can correct it.  I'll return the homework that you gave me today in tomorrow's class.

There will be vocabulary from the listening we did today, so look over the script that I handed out today and ask me any questions that you have about the vocabulary.  Of course, I'll give you a vocabulary study sheet tomorrow and post it on the blog after class.

That's it!  No pictures or links today.  Thanks for checking in and see you tomorrow!

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