Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Homework and Study Sheet Good-bye Amanda and Soon Ok!

Water is probably the second most important thing that humans need, and that was the topic of Vasily's presentation today.  What is the first?  No, not English.  I would say oxygen.  Maybe that will be the topic of his next presentation.  At any rate, now we know all about the water, what it's composed of, how much of the earth's surface is composed of it, how much of it we are composed of, etc!  I think Vasily would make a great teacher someday!

On a sad note, today we said good bye to Soon Ok and Amanda.  Although Amanda was in our class for only two weeks, she made a huge impression on all of us.  Good luck!  And thank you Soon Ok for stopping in to say good-bye.  You did a great job.  We'll miss both of you!

Today we went over Focus points 6 and 7 in Grammar Dimensions. Please do Exercises 12 and 13 on pages 77 and 78.  Be sure you understand how to use passive as explained in Focus 7.

AM Proficiency Week Six Study Sheet

Study Grammar Dimensions Unit 4.  Pay special attention to the homework exercises that we covered: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

Grammar Dimensions Unit 4

Grammar Dimensions p 60-1
to retain/ retention
to characterize
to recall/ recall (N)
to contradict/contradiction

Grammar Dimensions  p62-3
a recipient
to alter/alteration
misleading/to mislead
to set off
a chunk
a bucket

Grammar Dimensions p64-6
to beat (defeat)
an anthem

to tally
a specimen
a bundle/to bundle/to bundle up
to register/a register
a hemisphere
a stroke (medical condition) [to strike]

Grammar Dimensions p67-8
a custodian
deliberate/to deliberate
a ramp
a complex (buildings)
a (mountain) ridge
a stronghold

Grammar Dimensions p69
(learn all the stative verbs)
to engage in
to pursue/pursuit
a component of
impulsive/an impulse
to trigger/a trigger

Grammar Dimensions p72-3
an insult/ to insult
to allege/an allegation/alleged/allegedly
a pup/a puppy
to give birth to
(in) captivity/a captive/

Grammar Dimensions p75 (ex 12)
a bout of s.t.
a boomerang/to boomerang
an eel

Grammar Dimensions p76

Grammar Dimensions p77 (ex 13)
a glacier
a rim
form an attachment to
a caretaker

Grammar Dimensions p78 (ex 14)
legendary/ a legend
a vertebrate/an invertebrate

Raise The Issues

Raise the Issues p104
to spawn/a spawn of
to assimilate/assimilation
an exodus
an invasion/to invade
to patrol/to patrol
a smuggler/smuggling/to smuggle
a cartel
tranquility/tranquil/a tranquilizer
multifaceted/a facet
unprecedented/a precedent/to precede

to split s.t. up/to split up
to pick (crops, fruit, etc.)

Raise the Issues  “Ángels in America”
a descendant
to violate/a violation
welfare (government financial assistance)
relative to
to drop out of (school)
an underclass
to sneak s.o.
to fall apart
to press a case

Raise the Issues  Listening
to change one’s mind
sparse, sparsely
a plain
barbed wire (fence)
a heap, to heap
litter, to litter, littered
a dump, to dump
a wasteland
…at will
a barrier
an intrusion
manual, manually
to clear
rule of law

1 comment:

  1. Hi John
    guess who is back? yess it is me
    cannt wait to see u all
