I learned a lot today. I can write my name in Hangul, thanks to Yunju. I think this is a good topic for students from other countries, too. It would be interesting to know more about how Arabic is written, the Japanese writing system, Chinese, etc.
We welcomed a lot of new students today. Sorry that you had to move to the morning class if you're not a morning person, but do try to show up on time!
Hello to some students that I've known from my Health and Fitness or other specific skills class (Can Afwan, and Youran), welcome to students that I haven't met yet (Rawan and Danbee) and I'm still looking forward to meeting a couple of others.
Also, welcome back to Mohammed, who was in Saudi Arabia for Ramadan.
Tomorrow, we're looking forward to a great presentation by Ayaka, so please be sure to be on time so we can start at 8:10.
In class, we mainly focused on Unit 24 of Grammar Dimensions (p418-), which deals with fronting. Never before have you seen so many cases of inversions in sentences! Little did you know that you could change the order of words for dramatic effect, right? Not for anything would you move to another class!
Your homework today was to do Exercise One on page 420-1.
Also, we began Academic Connections Unit 3 on Forest Fires. Please read the first page of the handout and think about way which forest fires might be beneficial!
Thanks, and see you all tomorrow!
Thank you, 존(John)^^ -Yunju-