Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday Homework, The Oklahoma Shooting

Today we had two presentations, a first in our class.  The first was by Ayaka, who showed us how beautiful Okinawa is and some how the US Army bases cause some trouble there. 

And then we learned all about Jongsun and his wonderful family.  It's funny, I could recognize him when he was a baby, but not when he was a soldier not so long ago.  How about you?

Tomorrow we'll get so see Minah's presentation, so get to class on time because I'm sure you won't want to miss anything.  I'll post the new schedule tomorrow.  Because there a big gap between the the people who signed up, I might have to move up the "second group" one week.  I hope they won't mind!  Also, a couple of people haven't signed up yet.

Not so much homework today!  We studied Focus  4, so please do exercise 6 on page 429.   Also, read the essay about the beneficial effects of forest fires and identify the elements that give it good cohesion (between clauses and  sentences) and coherence (between paragraphs).

Here is a link to the story about the horrible shooting in Duncan, Oklahoma.
If you're not sure where Oklahoma is, this video will give you a good idea.

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