Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year! And homework.

OK.  First of all, do NOT do any homework tonight.  Go out and enjoy Boston, have dinner with your friends, and celebrate the beginning of a great new year!

We started class today with the beginning of the movie Sixth Sense.  I'm not sure how it's possible, but Youtube has the movie on its site, so if you want to see what happens, watch it.  Under no circumstances should you miss it!

We used the first part of the movie to make "fronted" sentences like:

    During the couple's celebration the crazy man broke into the house.
    Never before had Malcolm received such an honor.
    Little did the couple know that violence would soon occur.
    With great pride Malcom's wife read the award.
    On the floor was broken glass.
    From the bathroom came some strange sounds.
     Hiding in the bathroom was a weird man wearing only underpants.
      More frightening than a crazy man with a gun is a ghost!

On Thursday and Friday we'll watch the movie again and make more sentences.

So, tomorrow, while you're relaxing or recovering from tonight, please do Exercise 3 on page 425.  This is a little tough, so be careful!  Also, write your sentences with Exercise 4 on page 427.  Please do this on a piece of paper to hand into me.  I'll return it before your quiz on Friday.

Our quiz will cover Focus points one through three.  There will also be listening based on the section about forest fires.

Okay, it's time for the celebration to begin!  Have a great time and see you in 2014!

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