Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Fatimah Presentation, Tuesday Homework, ANOTHER Evacuation! Welcome New Students!


What is a meta-presentation?  It's a presentation about presentations!  That's what Fatimah gave today, and she had excellent timing as we have four (really five!) new students who have to do presentations in our class.  It's obvious that Fatimah has a lot of experience, as her advice was excellent and most importantly, she taught by example.  Good eye contact, posture, volume, intonation, organization, illustrations--everything!  I should have filmed it so that I can make all my new students in the future watch it before they do their presentations.

Tomorrow Young Jin will have his first presentation--I'm sure he'll be sorry to have missed Fatimah's  Please remember that CLASS BEGINS AT 8:00 and inside our room it's ENGLISH ONLY!

On Thursday, about 10 or so, we'll take a trip to see the new Kaplan NEU Site at Broad Street.  It doesn't take very long to get there, just 20 or 30 minutes.  I'll make sure that everyone knows the way.  If you take the Orange Line, it's very convenient.

We began Unit 7 today, focusing on relative clauses.  We finished Focus 1 and will do Exercise 1 on page 138 and Exercise 2 on page 139.  Please write Exercise 2 on a separate sheet of paper and hand it in tomorrow.

Also, don't forget that for students who have been here since at least last week, your essays are due today by email and by tomorrow in class on paper!

We had to evacuate the building due to a fire alarm today--again!--and had a chance to stand in the lovely snow.  I know some of you were hoping that it would be impossible to continue class, but no such luck.  We were soon back in the building, but here's a picture!

Finally, I'd like to welcome our new students!  Some of you I know from Specific Skills classes, others I've met for the first time.  It's great to have you in Proficiency--congratulations!  You worked hard to get here, and I hope you take advantage of the greater challenges to improve your English even more.

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