Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday Homework and Mark Gungor: A Tale of Two Brains

Today, we watched a portion of comedian and marriage counselor Mark Gungor's "A Tale of Two Brains, in which he explores the difference between the way men and women think.  Could his views be used to argue that it is best that men and women be educated separately?  Or perhaps we should get used to each other at a young age so we're prepared to be better husbands and wives?  At any rate, he's pretty funny and gives some good insights about general differences.  (Yes, there is a caveat: when we talk about "men" and "women," we really don't mean all men behave one way and all women behave another way!  But if you'd like to watch it again, here it is for your education and enjoyment!

Needless to say, we also have some homework, although not as much as we usually have on Wednesdays!

And now for your favorite part of the blog--the homework!

Today we covered Unit 11, Focus 2 and decided to do exercises 3 (p 200-1) and 4 (p201).  Please do Exercise 4 on a separate sheet of paper to turn in.  I'll prepare an example of exercise 3 to make the answers very clear.

Also: FANBOYS.  If you can't find your sheet, here is a link to the page.

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