Thursday, May 23, 2013

Proficiency Week 18 Study Sheet

Proficiency Week 18 Study Sheet

Please study the grammar from Units 9 and 20 of Grammar Dimensions.

Grammar Dimensions 4

Thorough p 167
To refine p168/refined/refinement
A grant p168  to grant/to take for granted
A vessel (p171)  (ship; container)
Exasperating (p172) exasperate, exasperation
Civil war (p175)   war between two elements
    of one country

an advance p374
to break into p375
a slogan p375
commendable p375
harass p375
to thwart p375
overzealous p375  zeal, zealous
to nudge p375
pygmy p375
intriguing p375 intrigue
 poacher p376 to poach
a tusk p376
a moratorium p376
abominable p376
compulsory p376
improper p376
inappropriate p376
fur p376

Academic Connections 4

an orphan p163
to suspend p164 suspense
cozy p164
to gaze p164
nestled in p164
to honk p164

Academic Connections 4 (cont’d)

to flap p164
to long to p164 to long for
a sill p164
jumpy p164
to turn tail p 165
to zip p 165

a genre p165
burdensome  p 166
a constraint  p 166 to constrain
to diverge  p 166  divergent
generic  p 166
a schema  p 166
to bear a relationship to p 166

to flip  p167 (v.t. to turn over;  v.i. to become   
                       angry or excited)
municipal  p167
inevitable  p167
a volume (of a book) p168
teeming with   p168
an inversion  p168   to invert

to recap  p171
redeeming  p171  to redeem
vague  p171
tolerance  p171   to tolerate
a protagonist  p171

Listening: Children’s Literature: Characteristics of the Genre

a plot (the storyline)
concrete (physical, able to be seen, touched, etc.)
to lose control
to dent/a dent
to make up for s.t.
prevalence of s.t.
A versus B  (used when making comparisons)
an implication of

The Hero’s Journey

a quest  p1
out-of-place  p1
mystic  p1
a blunder   p1
polymorphous  p1
a torment  p1
a no-brainer  p2
enraged  p2
to vow  p2
lust  p2
a trophy  p2
a curse  p2
to embark  p2
breathtaking  p2
mettle  p2
a wizard  p3
a sidekick  p3
a thread  p3
an obstacle p3
prowess p3
to blow s.t. up  p3
an ordeal  p3
an archetype  p4
to repress  p4
a villain  p4
to stand in the way  p4
a gatekeeper  p4
a mentor  p4
a herald  p5
a threshold  p5
a trickster  p5
an ally  p5
a temptress  p5
a femme fatale  p5

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